В Мексике убили пятого мэра города за последние полгода

Masked federal police stand next to an armored vehicle during increased security outside the SEIDO, the organized-crime division of Mexico's Attorney General Office where high profile detainees are sometimes shown to the press in Mexico City, Friday, Feb. 27, 2015. Leader of the Knights Templar cartel Servando "La Tuta" Gomez," one of Mexico's most-wanted drug lords, was captured early Friday by federal police in the capital city of Morelia, according to a Mexican official. It could not be confirmed if Gomez was inside the building. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)

Главу городской администрации небольшого мексиканского города Пакула в штате Идальго расстреляли на дороге 3 мая.


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